Thursday, June 26, 2014

Swat in "I am Malala"

Pakistan is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Every year, hundreds of foreigners come to Pakistan for tourism. The people of Pakistan are also very warm and hospitable . especially Swat, is one of the most beautiful places in Pakistan. Often called the “Switzerland of Pakistan” because of its scenic beauty.and I discovered this fact , while reading I Am Malala and I wanted to share these following pictures with you ^^

Thursday, June 12, 2014

مرآة تبحث عن وجه للكاتب رشاد حسن

كتاب من ثلاثة و عشرين عنوان يندرج تحت كل منها خمسة عناوين فرعية عبارة عن خواطر نثرية حول الحزن و الغياب والأصدقاء

.خلق الكاتب عالم من الخيال و الغموض به مدن من الحزن و الأناقة مدن من الصدق و الجمال

تمكن هدا الكتاب من قلبي فلقد وجدت في طياته مرآة لحزني

الخوض في تفاصيل هذا الكتاب ؛ يشبه الخوض في الحرب مع الذات

اقتبس منه

الغاية الأخيرة
أيها الغائبون :
الراحلون منا بلا رجعة ..
الذاهبون صوبَ الذكريات
الذين أعطيناهم الكثيرَ منا ومن أسرارنا , وروائحنا , وصارحناهُم بأسمائِنا !
السارحون بذكرانا معهم حيث يكونون
والجالسون فينا طويلاً دون أن يشعروا بمدى اليأس الذي يتركونه خلفهم !
المهدونَ لنا ليالٍ ثريّة نعيشُها وحيدين !
المهتمون بتفاصيلِ حياتهم ..
والغير عابئينَ بما يلقونه في حياتنا من عقبات ,
لقد أخلفتُم موعدكُم , ورحلتُم من دون استئذان وتركتم صدورنا مفتوحة , وانشغلتم عن إغلاقها ..
ونسيتم أن تمسحوا معكم : أثر خُطى

The kill order review

The kill order review

In the spring vacation, I read The Maze Runner Trilogy by James Dashner. I read the whole three books in ten days and I loved them, especially the first book. Then I was informed by Goodreads that there was a fourth book which is the prequel to the trilogy. I was extremely excited, so I started reading it immediately.

I love the Prologue and the Epilogue, since it is about Thomas and Teresa. however, the rest of the book is a big disappointment for me, with a capital D. the book is not about Thomas and the others but about new characters that I know nothing about, and I pretty sure that they are not connected to anyone from the Trilogy. Besides, there is no development in the personalities of the characters or in their relation with each other.  My feelings towards them are pretty lukewarm - I didn't hate them and I didn't love them because there is not enough development to care.
The Kill Order along with having a new set of characters, has a ton of action; The book is filled with non-stop thrilling action, thick agony and madness; I was totally consumed by the characters' journey and I felt bored especially in the last chapters.
At this point you may think I hate the book but I love it. I was a bit nervous to read about new characters knowing their inevitable fate. I couldn't help feeling so sickened by all the sadness and furious about the unnecessary tactics that caused these people so much grief and despair. While reading the book, I was like #why-dashner-why. I even tweeted James Dashner to express my sympathy with the characters.

Overall, although there is an overdose of action and no characters’ development or growth , the book is well-written and it is fun to be read. The prequel does answer some questions but left me with more unanswered questions. Anyway, it’s been a fun ride.