Saturday, July 12, 2014

Void's Facts: Brien Must Die !!

        when I finally posted the last chapter of Void on the page, I got tens of questions; either in private (fans inbox me in the page or on my account and there are some fans I didn't know that they even exist or they are reading the story) or in the comments, asking me different questions and the most asked one was "why did you kill Brien??". so I decided to write this article to answer some of the questions.
Q: What is (are) your source of inspiration(s) ?
A: I love writing so much, I write everyday; stories, poems, articles, anything but I'm too ashamed to share them and since I'm a huge fan of Dylan O'Brien and he is the reason why I watch Teen Wolf. By season 3, I became in love not just with Dylan but with Jeff Davis, the writer and the producer of the show, I love his writing style and his ideas; how he adopts different myths and mixes them to come-up with a mind-blowing story. That is why I decided to write fan's fiction, adopting his way of thinking. Over-all, Dylan and Jeff are my source of inspiration.

Q: why "Brien" and not "Brian" ? it is obviously a mistake, duh !!
A: Void is fan's fiction and I'm using Dylan O'Brien's family name as the name of the leading character, and I didn't want to change it.

Q: Bardo? i'm still confused about it, why did you choose that name to call the place of darkness that Brien goes to !!
A: Bardo is an Indian Myth which means the state between life and death. when a person dies, he goes to Bardo and stays their for awhile to redeem his sins then he will be able to go to haven. I adopted this myth and I made it a place where the truth reveals and at the same time it foreshadows Brien's death; if you go back to chapter 12 and to the last chapter and read them you will understand what I'm talking about. An other reason behind using the word Bardo is to tease the Tunisians reader  and I succeeded :p

Q: Why didn't you bring Britt back ?
A: I was going to bring Britt back, it was the original plan and I'm going to stick to it when I re-write the ending, soon nchallah .

Q: why did you kill Brien ?
A: people were upset when I killed Brien but I had to, how come ? I wanted Brien to be funny, sarcastic, witty, strong, brave ... to be a true hero who is responsible of his destiny and the aftermath but I failed and I made an anti-hero who seems to be thick, passive, and ready-made victim, depending either on Britt or the Druid. Maybe when I rewrite the story I'll let him survive. who knows !!

These are the most-asked questions. I hope you enjoyed reading Void as much as I enjoyed writing it. ^^

in memory of Brien

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